Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Your Penus Burns?

Rimma Salonen thanks to Vladimir Putin

International Women's Day in Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warmly congratulated women.

Vladimir Putin's words come from the bottom of the heart and are so touching that I would like to forward them to Finnish women. Perhaps the Prime Minister of Russia, the words are Finnish men among us to see things in a different light and to reflect on values.

"She gives us all life. We all have to be thankful for the woman that he gives us life. And it tells you practically everything. But not in the course, not all. We follow the first mother, grandmother, and then we grow, we will have girlfriends, wife, and then - his daughters. Who does not have daughters - miniƤt. Women have always and everywhere with us throughout our lives. And, of course, we men really want that beautiful women might our lives. But it's whether you want a beautiful woman in our lives, depends above all on us. And the women - they are certainly very different. But always beautiful. Do you notice that I was speaking in a poetical way. A simple talk, but heartfelt. I congratulate everyone and wish you the very best. "

world's strongest leaders, locking the Russian prime minister is also a very charismatic, prudent and intelligent, but most importantly of all - he has a great soul, which is rare.

by ordinary woman and mother I would like to Russian Prime Minister, thank the nice words. Vladimir Putin is certainly a dream for many women. I understand that many male politicians in trouble Putin-envy.




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