Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Want Holly Willoughby's Necklace

Jussi Parviainen Johan Bäckman, Camilla Molari, Rimma Salonen are SAFKAn parliamentary election candidates!

celebrities Anti Fascist parliamentary election candidates!

Finland antifasistinen committee campaigning for the April parliamentary elections Safka superjulkkiksilla, which include the director, playwright Jussi Parviainen , Adjunct Professor, Political Science, Dr. Johan Bäckman , Pastor, Doctor of Theology, BBA Juha Molari and Russia citizen, the son of Anton's mother Rimma Salonen . These candidates, his candidature in the constituency of Helsinki, Finnish Labour Party lists. SAFKAn candidates settle a power base for Finnish extreme right, in favor of the Russian language and Russian the status of Islam as well as improving the status of Finland. Also connects to all the status of a child and family rights and respect for the autonomy of Finland, the society of transparency, policy double standards against the Americans, and Alexander Stubb, insinuating dikatuurin abolition of democratic restoration.

director, playwright, Jussi Parviainen, http:// / wiki / Jussi_Parviainen

Parvin would campaign against the basic Finnish and Finnish extreme right-wing domestic and foreign policy, NATO-rock party, namely Alexander Stubb autocratic American smarmy and Finns forget policy, and also remember the Muslim interests and rights in Finland. Parvin would like tolerant attitude to Islam, which is not according to him, not an evil religion. Parviainen, that Islam is much more tolerant than Christianity. Parvin also would like to improve banking supervision. Parvin has been personally in connection with Julian Assagneen brokerage assets related to the Finns and the loss of citizens' property loss, and to continue your work with Wikileaks. Jussi Parviainen Call: 040 1356 669

Adjunct Professor, Political Science, Dr. Johan Bäckman, C3% A4ckman

Russia's best-known Finnish, Dr. Johan Bäckman election themes of the Finnish NATO membership opposition, Finland and Russia to improve relations, the promotion of open discussion between Finland and Russia, as well as Foreign Minister Stubb, Foreign Minister of the separation task. Backman also believes that the coalition is completely irresponsible, even exceeded its powers, for example. by Stubb's assistant Jori Ar promise to American diplomats that Conservatives win elections and take Finland to join NATO. Bäckman Finland also wants a new, honest historiography, since all you winter or continuing the war has so far been written, he says, is "extreme right-wing propaganda." Bäckman wants to support people living in Finland from Estonia, to promote the rights of the Estonian language in Finnish schools. Bäckman the importance of the development of Finnish democracy should also Helsingin Sanomat, the existence of extinction, as HS is a right-wing extremist, pro-NATO and the United States in all turns of smarmy covert release. Backman believes that the Helsinki Messages cease sooner or later, appearing as the magazine is bad, and unprofitable, and publishes a daily basis during the previous day to read all the reports. Call for Johan Bäckman: 040 503 5474

vicar, Doctor of Theology, BBA Juha Molari,

vicar, Doctor of Theology Juha Molarin themes of the Finnish policy double standards against. Finnish financial policy is a mess, corruption and nepotism prevails everywhere, and the trade union movement is really far from an honest worker in the interest ajamisesta. Molari moittii myös suomalaisen politiikan juoksuhautamentaliteettia, Venäjän ja venäläisyyden torjuntaa, jonka vuoksi Suomi on menettänyt markkinaosuuksia idänkaupassa, vaikka Venäjä on Euroopan nopeimmin kasvava talous tällä hetkellä. Suomalainen äärioikeistolainen stubbilainen Venäjä-politiikka vihanpitoineen ja piikittelyineen on turmellut suomalaisen työläisen ja yrittäjän mahdollisuuksia saada menestystä, Molari varoittaa. Soita Juha Molarille: 044 322 2661

Rimma Salonen: 

Rimma Salosen ehdokkuus oli jo eilen ykkösuutisena Venäjän medioissa. Rimma Salonen in Finland and Russia and Russia's most famous citizen living in Finland to the Russians, because his son, Anton, was kidnapped from Russia to Finland Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, the support, after which the child was banned in the Russian language speaking. Anton is a case of the Finnish-Russian relations, the history of the largest if not the biggest scandal. Anton Salonen, Finland, to live as a hostage, because Finland presented here illegally kidnapped and smuggled Anton, the son of a threat to Russia, thanks to the requirements and at the same time isolated from children in the Russian mother. Rimma Salonen considers that the Chairman has earned political dividends Anton Salonen intercepting illegal smuggling in Russia and Finland, so Rimma Salo You must take a stand as a candidate to support her son and asks all who are opposed to Stubb, to vote Rimma Salo. Russia's state prosecutor has called for the kidnappers and Antonin smugglers extradition to Russia, but now merely to urge the Finnish General Prosecutor to prosecute them in a Finnish court. Rimma Salonen election is probably the only candidate who has Russian citizenship. Salonen's campaign themes of child and family rights and the status of Russian language improvement. Rimma Salonen campaigned in Russian only, contacts only the Russian language Rimma Salonen number: 045 313 \u200b\u200b24 24


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