Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tri Fold Wedding Programs

Rytinää Germany. Riia Colliander.

Rytinää Germany. Riia Colliander.

over 15 years, the German neo-Nazis have used the 1945 Dresden air raids February voimannäytölleen commemorate an occasion. Thousands of neo-Nazi marches in the city went across town to pirstoen windows and attacking left-wing and want to discover relevant attacking immigrants.

February 2010 German anti-fascist movement's patience ran out. Dresden - Nazifrei - Dresden Nazi-free convocation brought together the alliance of the city around 9 000 12 000 In addition to the neo-Nazi anti-racist protesters. Roadblock they prevented the majority formed uusnatsimarssin won, sending the gang off and frustrated.

in February 2011 was the latest batch of time.

black day for neo-Nazis.

February 19 2011 on Dresden was preparing to re-Nazi march. Long political arm wrestling, after the city had decided to allow three separate right-wing extremists to march and anti-fascist alliance, only a demonstration.

German anti-fascist groups, trade unions, a number of political parties, youth and student organizations as well as many other actors formed, further increase in Dresden - Nazifrei alliance call the site collected about 20 000 protesters. There were several well-known names of politicians, representatives of cultural life. Writer, Rolf Hoppe, and actor Uwe Tellkamp urged city residents to join the procession. Saxony-Anhalt as well as Interior Minister Holger Hövelmann Bundestag vice-president Wolfgang Thiers in turn require both extreme right-wing NPD party, as the neo-Nazi ban under the Constitution.

main station through the city marched in procession to the foreground is not the only missed vastamielenosoittajien mind as a means of expression.

Elsewhere in the City of independent, high-speed communication navigation system rolled into the categories of roads shutting the road trying to reach the city of neo-bus service.

main railway station of the demonstrators broke into a riot poliisirivistöjen and fences throughout the city to the other side, forming a fast-changing situations of the roadblocks and surveillance patrols of major crossings and traffic routes.

neighboring city of Leipzig Dresden as a spontaneous protest efforts, about 700 neo-Nazi march stopped in the station.

Unfolding of about 6 000 neo-Nazis of the city was about 2 000 Plauen region lately culminated in the neo-Nazi efforts towards the center along the populated area of narrow streets. Hours of a hunt by the police to intervene after the companies vastamielenosoittajien might discourage the rest of the crowd: the situation calmed down and the evening hours in the abolition of the neo-Nazi.

5 000 police operations and the company divided the city of protesters into the parcels had failed. Neo-Nazi march was entirely blocked. German business antifasistinen stated that tapahtumia voittona rasisminvastaiselle toiminnalle.

Paikallisten tuki sekä huolellisen tähtäyksen merkitys.

Suurten mielenosoitusten yhteydessä valtamedia kohtelee tapahtumia yleensä tutulla tapaa: esitetään raflaavia kuvia palavista autoista sekä mustiin pukeutuneista, kasvonsa peittäneistä aktivisteista, kerrotaan mellakoista sekä yhteenotoista poliisin kanssa ja pääosin tuomitaan tapahtumat, riippumatta siitä minkä puolesta tai vastaan mieltä on osoitettu.

Viikonlopun aikana saksalainen valtamedia otti tapahtumiin ammattimaisemman otteen. Huolimatta tiesuluilla paikoin tuleen sytytetyistä barrikadeista ja jäteastioista sekä bussien pysäyttämisen yhteydessä vahingoittuneista autoista paikallisten asukkaiden haastatteluissa toistui pitkälti sama sanoma: vastamielenosoittajien yritykset sulkea tie uusnatseilta nähtiin oikeutettuina. Poliisin rajua voimankäyttöä arvosteltiin. Muutamat kyseenalaistivat kaupungin päätöksen sallia äärioikeiston marssit.

Paikoin tiesuluille valui vahvistuksia lähialueen taloista. Reichenbachstrassella Klaus Meyer, 78, kertoo lähteneensä matkaan heti kuultuaan kotinsa lähellä suljetusta risteyksestä.

Pidän hyvänä sitä, että ihmisistä löytyy rohkeutta ilmaista suoraan, etteivät he hyväksy näiden fasistien values. It is inconceivable that even the neo-Nazis are allowed to march. Sure, democracy must allow a wide range of opinions, but there are limits. Are decision-makers from the history? Such values should already be gone, he dictates. Thermos bottle, coming from the house entering Rosa Thalberg, 46, said he had intended to encourage vastamielenosoittajia their own way.

I dared to march, because I feared Nazi possible intervention. Now I have the opportunity to bring the demonstrators a little tea to warm us up, since it is quite cold here. I am all for this counter protest, racism should not be tolerated, he smiles.

Elsewhere eläkeläispariskunta balcony fall food and bottled water needs of a group of passers-by.

response to expressions of solidarity: the face of demonstrators shouted uusnatsijoukkioita here and there, the stones of demands to aim carefully, and beware of the street arm parked cars.

police new toys and office assault.

All Saturday's events were dissatisfied. Police use of force against the demonstrators was dramatic: the flow of the groups as an attempt by the Lifeboat Society bridles, pepper spray, armored vehicles and troops uudenkin pampuin as management tool pippuripellettikiväärien, might. Several dozen activists were injured, some seriously. Saturday, within a total of 26 persons were arrested. The police spokesperson, 30 police officers were slightly injured.

Most political parties condemned the excessive use of force by police: now largely peaceful demonstrators vesitykittäminen frost was seen as overkill.

should ask, what passes through judicious management of troops and unnecessary, provocative power of the screen border, "said John Green Lichdi.

addition, the police carried out a raid Saturday after Dresden - Nazifrei Alliance premises. Spot was the staff forced to strip naked body for inspection, and the premises of computer equipment was seized in its entirety. Police took the rapid implementation of the data collected: the basis of the collected material has so far arrested 79 antifascists operator. Items ranging from conspiracy to prosecute the preparation and the public in criminal activity always urging the public to threats to peace in the preparation of harassment.

Alliance has announced that it will not give the police actions threaten the operations, but the preparations for the 2012 protests for will begin.

We do not quit before the Nazis march is history. Neo-Nazis do not pose a threat only to Dresden, the subject touches the the whole of Germany, describes Franziska Radtke, Dresden - Nazifrei Alliance President.

History repeats itself?

German media and public opinion is largely sympathetic to vastamielenosoittajille appeared in the international media more diverse views. Finnish mainstream media mostly took a narrow, focused on riots and neo-Nazi movements failed to mention the grip. Chat rooms and news links on the tracks comment tone was largely judgmental: Demonstration for inappropriate seen rioting, vandalism, and democracy in terms of questionable activity - to prevent this by force others expressing their views.

Dresden takes place in an interesting time: the German march to fascism, it is more and more autocratic or dictatorial military regime, driven by the Arab countries woken up to demand democracy. People's movements have rightly condemned by government to torture, arbitrary detention and suppression of dissidents.

Europe has a history of black point, similar to what extremist government coming to power can lead to terrible. Age of the individual human being short runs the nation's collective memory in short cycles: more and more lose sight of why the different extremes it is necessary to resist.

Reichenbachstrassella Klaus Meyer waves his hand towards the place of indignation forces behind the water cannons.

- thou dare!

Riia Colliander / 28.02.2011




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