Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Milena Velba‏

US / NATO is preparing a war against Libya.

USA/NATO valmistelee sotaa Libyaa vastaan.

Vastoin Länsimaiden hallitusten sekä NATOn pääsihteerin julkisuudessa antamia lausuntoja ja länsimedian uutisointia USA/NATO valmistelee täysimittaista sotaa Libyaa vastaan.

On täysin mahdollista, että interventio Libyaan carried out without UN Security Council mandate, as it happened in 1999 in the former Yugoslavia, the so-called. "Racak massacre" excuse.

It is equally possible that the attack to justify its factories in a suitable "ground" to get Russia and China to bow to the Security Council to adopt the use of violence against Libya. For example, the imposition of a ban on flights to Libya - as was the case in Iraq - and it almost inevitably follows such a breach of the prohibition would be a useful arrangement, as well as the situation in Libya, for example, "Internationalization of North Africa Regional Security "title.

would be unique in history, when U.S. foreign policy and an aggressive government and the country largely dominated by military-industrial districts actually prefer to leave to use this opportunity to defend once again to their own interests and hegemoniapyrkimyksiään violently exploiting tragicomic and hypocritical kliseitään" human rights, freedom and democracy ".

" There is no business like war business. "

Heikki Sipilä, M.Sc.



Rick Rozoffin (stop NATO) 07/03/2011, published by an expert the article titled "Point Of No Return: U.S. And NATO Prepare For War With Libya" an ongoing process as well as U.S. and NATO leaders in many ways contradictory statements at

http://rickrozoff.wordpress. com/2011/03/08/point-of-no- return-us-and-nato-Prepare- for-war-with-Libya /


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