Thursday, March 3, 2011

British Navy Ships For Sale

U.S. special forces have already been captured in Libya by the power

Gaddafi Management judgment. U.S. soldiers already in Libya. West's intervention only a matter of time?

ICC torstaian Libya to begin a formal investigation of the violence. Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo as a personal research to sort it out, who has pulled the civil liability of people's death.

of February since the mid clashes against the protesters have taken part in the security forces and the Departments of foreigners mercenaries They said the deceased for at least 2 000 people. Have been raised up to Chapter 6 000, which the International Court of Justice has either annulled or confirmed.

Wednesday for the first time after the start of the unrest in support of Gaddafi joined the Army and Air Force troops carried out the attack to repel the opposition Adjabiyan Bregan the city and harbor. That is the port handled the export of oil and there are also foreign oil companies' representations. Gaddafi loyal forces are not achieved any significant progress. Nevertheless, if even on Tuesday, the opposition appeared definitely the away goals against interference, so yesterday it felt far less secure and indicated that it may request assistance in away goals.

A few sources have already been informed that the rebel side, fighting for American special forces. Pentagon understandably silent on this issue, but it is looking for broad support from NATO in order to address the conflict in Libya. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged that NATO does not contain any consensus on this issue. UN Security Council resolution on Libya did not confer the right on this, noted Russian expert Andrei Kortunov. If

maan keskushallinto ei kykene valvomaan tilannetta ja menetykset ovat merkittävät siviiliväestön keskuudessa ja pakolaisten määrä suuri, niin tämä koskeevälittömästi myös naapurimaita, mikä antaisi kansainväliselle yhteisölle oikeuden humanitaariseen väliintuloon. Mutta ei ole tarkkaa määrittelyä siitä, missä vaiheessa tällainen sekaantuminen voitaisiin toteuttaa. Joka tapauksessa näistä kysymyksistä keskustellaan YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa, joka määrittelee mitkä maat tai liitot voisivat saada oikeuden humanitaarisen väliintulon toteuttamiseen.

Voiman käyttö jopa siinä tapauksessa, että kysymys Libya would be the closure of airspace, so that Gaddafi would not be able to bomb their own people, it is difficult to achieve. At the moment it is not lawful and could also harm the U.S. and NATO's reputation in the eyes of the world.

Whatever the case, then Wednesday through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean was transferred to two U.S. Navy aircraft carrier. One of them has 42 helicopters and ships bound for the Libyan coast.

Russian Voice



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