Sunday, March 6, 2011

Powder Pink Dress Accessories

Impressionen vom Ammersee

A Unique World-Class Attraction

As intercultural trainer for the Arab World, I am always in search of new and exotic projects and undertakings throughout the Middle East. 
The capital of the State of Qatar, Doha, has been a special place ever since I visited for the first time in 2001. And what a place it had become, how much has changed in such a comparably short period of time! 


  The Sheraton hotel in 1983

The peninsula today (Sheraton to the left)

However, the most iconic building of Doha does not need height, as it is a true gem of its own: the Museum of Islamic Art, built by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei. The position in the corniche of Doha, on a single island, already makes it unique. But what has stunned particularly was the unparalleled design of the building in combination with the collection, the views and the athmosphere. 

  The Museum behind traditional dhows

The skyline of Doha in the backdrop

  Islamic patterns as a guiding theme

The mask and its shadows

View against the blue sky

The outside park provides spectacular views

A monumental piece of the exhibition

The night view is breathtaking
For more information on the Museum, visit the official website: 

And should you come to Qatar on a business basis, make sure to have an adequate preparation for the intercultural peculiarities and specifics of the country and its people I would be happy to support you!
Andreas Hauser

conflict management in

intercultural training
The necessity and the limits of "fetching out of the comfort zone"

Workshop on 10 February 2011 was in Munich
An interactive evening hosted by Thu Phong Vuong and Andreas Hauser, at the SIETAR members and interested parties exercises presented, to exchange experiences and stimulate discussion on methods in intercultural training.

confrontation methods

How to get in intercultural training, the participants? How one achieves a sustainable learning? How much can and should be confronted participants overturn their expectations and they get out of their comfort zone - and what should not happen? n

initial exercise

Thu Phong began the evening with an exercise: No sich vorzustellen – sitzend und über Unterlagen gebeugt – befahl er den Teilnehmer aufzustehen, sich wieder hinzusetzen, wieder aufzustehen, wieder hinzusetzen...
Danach sprang er auf, lachte in die Runde und bedankte sich ganz herzlich – um dann gleich in das Debriefing zu gehen:
n              Some TN had not followed the instructions: ¡

no eye contact
harsher tone
¡ ;

no sense
Thu Phong Vuong during his debriefing exercise
n ;
Es gibt keine universellen Gründe oder Werte, die ein Mitmachen oder ein Verweigern bei einer Übung begründen – alles basiert auf der Wertung der Wahrnehmung durch die Teilnehmer selbst (Beispiel: beim Militär wären die o.g. Anmerkungen kein Grund, den Anweisungen nicht Folge zu leisten) n
Wichtig bei jeder Art von Konfrontationsmethodik: ¡              
the exercise must be very well prepared
¡ the coach must be authentic act
¡ the role of confrontation must be resolved, apparently (Gestures, facial expressions, tone).
What IK confrontation in training?
n What is actually the term "confrontational methods" to bring about what he or ? trigger
n Clearly, the concept when talking "Get out of the comfort zone" of the TN. Other terms were called "induced culture shock," "positive distraction," "Play with uncertainties".

n goal is to trigger a lasting effect on the eye-TN, by being transported in an awkward situation to bring out emotions and on this level, they to work.
n The values \u200b\u200bof TN are made visible => self-reflection because of the identified own behavior to be achieved.

One danger is, TN to offend, to go too far and to lose because they lose confidence in the coach or not feel good to open up and actively participate in the training.
view of the attentive-wave
How can be used confrontational methods in training IK?
n Different people find different behaviors than confrontation: some willing to accept the authority, others want just do not let her out of the reserve, while others do not want an audience - or they are simply too sensitive to deal with direct training methods. n

The same applies also to coach: while some confronting and dealing with effortless ease in unpleasant situation look, others are more gentle on methods and a good atmosphere within the training group.
The type of training methods should be the unanimous opinion of the authenticity of the / of the Trainer / s follow and be considerate of the needs of the participants.
national cultures may or may not exert an influence on the compatibility of confrontation methods => different reactions are probably due more to the personality.
! However: Thu Phong his initial exercise has never been used in China because he has not assess the reaction.
Eine weitere Idee ist, nicht mit Schwächen zu konfrontieren sondern ein verändertes Verhalten positiv zu verstärken.
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz und Übungsbeispiele

Ein besonders guter, aber auch heikler Moment für die Methode ist der Beginn des Trainings: TN und Trainer kennen sich noch nicht, das Treffen bringt unterschwellige Erwartungen with it, may be disappointed by the conscious.
n more examples and practice
participants recommended characteristics and preferences of the trainer
¡ TN receive different instructions for the mutual physical greeting
¡ ; a Japanese training begins in a very bad and awkward English
¡ coach makes an impression of uncoordinated and poorly prepared
¡ Trainer plays a different role undetected (Housekeeper, electricians)
¡ Introduction findet ausschließlich auf privater Ebene statt
n              Auch während des Trainings können Konfrontationsmethoden eingesetzt werden, z. B. ungewohnt enger Körperkontakt in der Zielkultur. 

Aktive Übung zum Köperkontakt
n is very important to the proper debriefing and identifying the direct effect of a learning for the TN - otherwise slip into the opening from unprofessional and credibility in the ability of the coach is impaired.
n If an aha take the TN-effect of the initial exercise, confidence in the coach from the beginning is very strong!
limits of the methodology
n According to the Trainer, there are limits that should not be exceeded:
¡ Do not get in the panic zone
¡ No loss of face
¡ hierarchies are to respect

stop at open protest immediately
a non-wool must be accepted Summary

summary can be stated that may be the use of confrontational methods in intercultural training is a good way to achieve a lasting effect and an ongoing training success in TN. However, should the teacher be aware of in himself very clearly where the dangers of "fetching out of the comfort zone" are and where the boundaries are drawn.
for further exchange and contact, the two presenters are willing !
Thu Phong Vuong
Phone: +49 (0) 40 88,143,240

. de
Andreas Hauser Phone: +49 (0) 8143 999 480

SIETAR Germany eV


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