Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Put A Bumpetr On

cathedral stairs Manaus transferred to the Parliamentary Chamber

Helsinki, Finland constituency Labour Party candidate Juha Molari, Doctor of Theology and Bachelor of Business Administration, the Finnish anti-fascist committee (Safka) activist and financial journalist, has decided to parliament because he intends to submit eksorsistinen Manaus Kavkaz Center received the Finnish Parliament in the House. If he can not enter parliament to deliver this exorcism in the House, where Manaus leave it on the steps of Parliament.

against the children of Beslan, the terrorist attack as an international commemoration 3 September delivered eksorsistinen intercession of the cathedral steps of producing divisions which served as the devil: the terrorists in the Caucasus have expressed some pretty tough between the dispute, the whole satanic "emirate" was destroyed. Unfortunately, the Swedish-speaking newspapers and ecclesiastical herkkähipiäisten I changed parties due to priest as soon as too sensitive and I failed to intercede eksorsistisen an important cause. This should be the Manaus daily devotion Kavkaz Center damn expulsion. The Bible tells us that once cleaned the room can become worse seven more hell. That is why prayer should not be overlooked when the other party to the legions of the devil, but unfortunately, I neglected to the level of the cathedral after the expulsion of the devil to intercede.

cathedral stairs are an ancient symbol of spiritual power, in particular the Church of the Republic, But now should be about political power - not only the ecclesiastical power. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov in the fifth book is the story of Suurinkvisiittorista. Kristus ilmestyi Sevillan kadulle. Kristus meni kansan luo – kidutetun, kärsivän, synnin saastassa rypevän kansan luo. Jeesus herätti kuolleen seitsemän vuotta vanhan tytön Sevillan katedraalin portailla, äidin ainoan tyttären. Kuolleesta herätetty tyttö istahti, hymyili, käsissään kimppu valkoisia ruusuja. Kun kansa hämmästeli, itki ja nyyhkytti, niin juuri sillä hetkellä Tuomiokirkon aukiolla kulki yllättäen ohi kardinaali inkvisiittori, koko ikänsä kilvoitellut lähes 90 vuotta vanha mies, pitkä ja suoraryhtinen mies, kasvot kuitenkin jo kovasti kuihtuneet, silmät syvälle painautuneet, mutta silti silmissä tulinen kipinä. Sopivan After the trip, the Cardinal Inquisitor stopped and watched me from afar. He saw the girl elpyneen. Inquisitor darkened. He stretched out his fingers and directed the security guards arrest Jesus. Humble and obedient to her beloved people were accustomed to his power, and so the audience immediately took off. The public en masse bowed his head down to the old inquisitor, who blessed the people.

We do not live longer, however, in 1500's Seville, Spain. Therefore eksorsistinen intercession should have been delivered on the steps of Parliament - and better if the parliament chamber. Just top of the stairs of Parliament has created a satanic permissiveness of the Al-Qaeda, the neo-Nazi and Doku Umarov terrorist acts for the advertisement. Just top of the stairs of Parliament has created a satanic permissiveness of the Karelian Association, Aluepalautus Association of Pro Karelia and organizations like that should be the first state to abolish the illegal organizations. Just top of the stairs of the Finnish Parliament has created the sponsoring and support system of Estonia, the apartheid policy of cultural genocide against the Russian. Eksorsistisen power of prayer should be to accelerate judicial decisions, pursuant to which prohibits the above mentioned organizations, leaders and border policy revansistista profitable individuals parliamentary election candidacy the 2011 elections. Such persons would be especially the Karelian Association President Mr Markku Laukkanen (Centre Party MP, who recently received February 23, 2011 up to the apartheid era Medal of the Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves) and Jussi Niinistö (True Finns)

Eksorsistisen Manaus on the content of the importance of prayer and self-sustainability place of delivery of a symbolic weight: the Helsinki Cathedral Steps, will go to the prayer of the Finnish Parliament House.

this figure, the Kavkaz Center, the then upper beam manipulated through the fires of hell that were missing for some reason the original image source: Yamartnah

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