Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Type Swastika With Alt

Paavo Salonen, Simo Pietiläinen and Olli Perheentupa receive criminal charges

famous Russian mother Rimma Salonen, a Finnish court intends to bring charges against the son of Anton, kidnapping, kidnapping, smuggling and official crimes Simo Pietilä, visit, Paavo Salo, and the Consul-General Olli Perheentupaa against. Men are, therefore, to prepare for a criminal trial.

Paavo Salonen receives allegations of detention, child abduction and the state border crime, Simo Pietiläinen the crimes, and assistance for the state border crime and Olli Perheentupa the crimes.

Rimma Salonen, intends to place the crimes of the Finnish judicial review at the earliest. Challenge for the application is based on the owner's right to bring charges against himself and the constitutional right to prosecute the crimes.

Russian state prosecutor brought Paavo Salo and Simo Pietilä, visit indictments against Anton Salonen's kidnapping and the smuggling of Finnish diplomatic trunk of a car as early as December 2009 and requested the Finnish Minister of Justice to refer the matter to the Finnish courts.

Tanais decision on Finland's Prosecutor General took Pietiläinen Simon and Mr. Salonen's committed crimes, but left charges without lifting. The background is a tough pressure from the National Coalition of Ministers, as Foreign Minister Stubb and Minister of Defence Häkämies were praised by the son of Anton kidnapping and smuggling have been filed already very early stages of a criminal investigation.

prosecutor decision to build upon it, that Anton Salonen's Russian citizenship would be revoked in a Russian court, which is why a child would have had to seek out. In reality, Russia, the Court has no authority to decide on Russian citizenship. Office of the Prosecutor of interpretation, therefore, shows ignorance and also great ammattitaidottomuutta.

Finland to the General Prosecutor of Antonin intercept would have been as high as the police authorities for authorization and instructions, although there is no evidence of anything other than the hostage's own statements. Clang submitted therefore the decision that as many as six (6) a witness having been consulted by the Russian police officers would be in concert lied when he said that they never have been able to authorize a child abduction.

amusing detail is the General Prosecutor's argument that the former Consul Simon Pietiläinen would have had to suffer, because he lost his job in St. Petersburg consulate. In fact, Pietiläinen was better than pesticides in Helsinki, and then top international responsibilities in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

In fact, the Prosecutor General today's decision is Rimma Salonen's a great victory, because Simon Pietiläinen and Mr. Salonen has been found guilty of crimes. So theirs is a merit, that the matter would be investigated in court.

Rimma Salonen Salonen, according to Anton abduction and smuggling were also obtained from the Finnish Government's approval, as Foreign Minister Stubb 05.14.2009 gave an interview given to crimes of full political support, blaming Rimma Salo, criminal, and Prime Minister Vanhanen refused on the same day in a television interview twice to answer Promoted supplier Jari Bottle the question of whether he knew the state leadership Anton interception arrangements in advance.

In fact, Rimma Salonen had traveled from custody in Russia with a boy in Russia in March 2008, after which he received the police and ex-husband imprisonment and threats of losing a child, and he dared to return. Tampere District Court took custody of him, Anton's mother, without consulting him, and no ilmoittamatta heti huhtikuussa 2008, vaikka hänen osoitteensa ja yhteystietonsa olivat asianomaisten tiedossa.

Ilmeisesti kysymys on vain siitä, että kokoomus tarvitsi itselleen köyhän venäläisen naisen pilkanteon kohteeksi. Siitä onkin nyt tullut olennainen osa kansainvälistä Suomi-brändiä juuri Stubbin ansiosta.

Stubb sanoi heti tapahtuman jälkeen, että Antonin sieppauksessa ja salakuljetuksessa toimittiin inhimillisesti oikein. Sama inhimillisyysperuste esiintyy nyt kaksi vuotta myöhemmin valtakunnansyyttäjänviraston päätöksessä. Myös puolustusministeri Jyri Häkämies painosti oikeusviranomaisia ilmoittamalla vielä syksyllä 2009, the kidnapping of the son of Anton and the smuggling was done correctly.

Rimma Salonen, according to his mother illegally abducted children should not have to hide the consulate months. This issue should have been dealt with, for example panttivankitilanteena. St Petersburg, Consul General Olli Perheentupa responsible for the illegal procedure and gets to court.

claims that the case was looking for a solution from the Russian authorities are Rimma Salonen of wood hay, and they have no evidence. In fact, the diplomats were trying to solve the various crimes caused by the situation only by developing new crimes.

In any case, it is now clear that Anton Salonen is the history of the iceberg, which the Finnish "rule" collided. Finland's Honorary brand embedding belongs to Alexander Stubb.

Rimma Salonen is confident that the criminal charges against a Finnish court impartially investigated and that the governmental decision, the judges take into account all the facts made known.

Paavo Salonen, Simo Pietiläinen and Olli Perheentupa will be ironed dress and choose a tie with a criminal trial.

Oh, and yet the end of this Russian proverb: Well laugh at it, who laughs last.


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