Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wedding Basket Of Toiletries In Toilet

Interkulturelles Training: Saudi-Arabien

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Intercultural Impressions

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is still something special: there are no tourist visa , so it is for visitors . almost impossible to get into the country - only business travelers and pilgrims offer realistic opportunities

In Saudi has a lot to offer center of Muslims , the largest sand desert in the world, the second highest tower in the world as well as by enterprises with 20 million inhabitants and 10 million migrant workers.

As intercultural trainer for Saudi Arabia I prepare managers, executives and experts on the challenges in the Kingdom. My own experience in project management on site play an important role - with all its fascinating facets in and find work! That is

Saudi Arabia from an intercultural perspective just a gold mine, also show the data given by me images and impressions - have fun with it!

Saudi Fishing on Friday morning :
Three Indian fishing - and 20 Saudis are drumrum

drinks highlight: Saudi Champagne

smoking ban on Saudi - or is it?

Khayyam Est Al-Rabie. in Jeddah:
The best place for nuts of all kinds!

After a hard day's work -
but with severe nut bag in her hand!

center in Jeddah:
empty streets only on Friday morning

candy and dates in the souk

Who says there is no beer in Saudi?
These bottles are not available in D!

In my coaching and consulting work I prepare professionals and executives and their families to the challenges of intercultural deployment to Saudi Arabia before. This will a basic understanding of the country and give people, bypassed typical stumbling blocks and laid the foundations for a successful stay in the Kingdom - definitely a very good investment in business success.

happy I am available for questions and information.  

Andreas Hauser  
Management Consultant Sunday morning

change of perspective: von rechts im Schatten...
... und von links in der Sonne!

Bizarre Eiskristalle am Seeufer

  Die Raureifspuren der Nacht am Eichblatt

Furchteinflößender Abdruck auf den Stegplanken...

  ... and yet a friendly settings!

play of light in the canopy

A sunny spring Sunday takes its course

Andreas Hauser

Management Consultant

What Does It Mean When You Have High Esr?

Treffen GJ CharWilm

The next meeting of the Charlottenburg-GJ Wilmersdorf is on Wednesday, 16.03.2011, 19 in the town hall clock Wilmersdorf, Room 3073b

reached via: U3 / U7 / Bus 104, 101 Fehrbellinerplatz "

held on 03.09.2011 will be no meetings GJ!

Foods That R Good For The Gallbladder

Persut, immigration, and populism-vaalipaneeli hotel Seurahuone The English Cabinet Helsinki

Tapahtumatiedote: Persut, maahanmuutto ja populismi -vaalipaneeli hotelli Seurahuoneen Englantilaisessa kabinetissa Helsingissä lauantaina 12.3.2011 kello 12-13, puhumassa eduskuntavaaliehdokkaat Jörn Donner (rkp), Erkki Tuomioja (sd), Jussi Parviainen (stp/Safka), Antero Eerola (vas) ja Johan Bäckman (stp/Safka). Tilaisuuteen on vapaa pääsy.

New Milena Velba‏

US / NATO is preparing a war against Libya.

USA/NATO valmistelee sotaa Libyaa vastaan.

Vastoin Länsimaiden hallitusten sekä NATOn pääsihteerin julkisuudessa antamia lausuntoja ja länsimedian uutisointia USA/NATO valmistelee täysimittaista sotaa Libyaa vastaan.

On täysin mahdollista, että interventio Libyaan carried out without UN Security Council mandate, as it happened in 1999 in the former Yugoslavia, the so-called. "Racak massacre" excuse.

It is equally possible that the attack to justify its factories in a suitable "ground" to get Russia and China to bow to the Security Council to adopt the use of violence against Libya. For example, the imposition of a ban on flights to Libya - as was the case in Iraq - and it almost inevitably follows such a breach of the prohibition would be a useful arrangement, as well as the situation in Libya, for example, "Internationalization of North Africa Regional Security "title.

would be unique in history, when U.S. foreign policy and an aggressive government and the country largely dominated by military-industrial districts actually prefer to leave to use this opportunity to defend once again to their own interests and hegemoniapyrkimyksiään violently exploiting tragicomic and hypocritical kliseitään" human rights, freedom and democracy ".

" There is no business like war business. "

Heikki Sipilä, M.Sc.



Rick Rozoffin (stop NATO) 07/03/2011, published by an expert the article titled "Point Of No Return: U.S. And NATO Prepare For War With Libya" an ongoing process as well as U.S. and NATO leaders in many ways contradictory statements at

http://rickrozoff.wordpress. com/2011/03/08/point-of-no- return-us-and-nato-Prepare- for-war-with-Libya /

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Your Penus Burns?

Rimma Salonen thanks to Vladimir Putin

International Women's Day in Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warmly congratulated women.

Vladimir Putin's words come from the bottom of the heart and are so touching that I would like to forward them to Finnish women. Perhaps the Prime Minister of Russia, the words are Finnish men among us to see things in a different light and to reflect on values.

"She gives us all life. We all have to be thankful for the woman that he gives us life. And it tells you practically everything. But not in the course, not all. We follow the first mother, grandmother, and then we grow, we will have girlfriends, wife, and then - his daughters. Who does not have daughters - miniät. Women have always and everywhere with us throughout our lives. And, of course, we men really want that beautiful women might our lives. But it's whether you want a beautiful woman in our lives, depends above all on us. And the women - they are certainly very different. But always beautiful. Do you notice that I was speaking in a poetical way. A simple talk, but heartfelt. I congratulate everyone and wish you the very best. "

world's strongest leaders, locking the Russian prime minister is also a very charismatic, prudent and intelligent, but most importantly of all - he has a great soul, which is rare.

by ordinary woman and mother I would like to Russian Prime Minister, thank the nice words. Vladimir Putin is certainly a dream for many women. I understand that many male politicians in trouble Putin-envy.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Hommor Simpson Tattoos

in Sweden stolen illegally children from the Russian mothers

How To Put A Bumpetr On

cathedral stairs Manaus transferred to the Parliamentary Chamber

Helsinki, Finland constituency Labour Party candidate Juha Molari, Doctor of Theology and Bachelor of Business Administration, the Finnish anti-fascist committee (Safka) activist and financial journalist, has decided to parliament because he intends to submit eksorsistinen Manaus Kavkaz Center received the Finnish Parliament in the House. If he can not enter parliament to deliver this exorcism in the House, where Manaus leave it on the steps of Parliament.

against the children of Beslan, the terrorist attack as an international commemoration 3 September delivered eksorsistinen intercession of the cathedral steps of producing divisions which served as the devil: the terrorists in the Caucasus have expressed some pretty tough between the dispute, the whole satanic "emirate" was destroyed. Unfortunately, the Swedish-speaking newspapers and ecclesiastical herkkähipiäisten I changed parties due to priest as soon as too sensitive and I failed to intercede eksorsistisen an important cause. This should be the Manaus daily devotion Kavkaz Center damn expulsion. The Bible tells us that once cleaned the room can become worse seven more hell. That is why prayer should not be overlooked when the other party to the legions of the devil, but unfortunately, I neglected to the level of the cathedral after the expulsion of the devil to intercede.

cathedral stairs are an ancient symbol of spiritual power, in particular the Church of the Republic, But now should be about political power - not only the ecclesiastical power. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov in the fifth book is the story of Suurinkvisiittorista. Kristus ilmestyi Sevillan kadulle. Kristus meni kansan luo – kidutetun, kärsivän, synnin saastassa rypevän kansan luo. Jeesus herätti kuolleen seitsemän vuotta vanhan tytön Sevillan katedraalin portailla, äidin ainoan tyttären. Kuolleesta herätetty tyttö istahti, hymyili, käsissään kimppu valkoisia ruusuja. Kun kansa hämmästeli, itki ja nyyhkytti, niin juuri sillä hetkellä Tuomiokirkon aukiolla kulki yllättäen ohi kardinaali inkvisiittori, koko ikänsä kilvoitellut lähes 90 vuotta vanha mies, pitkä ja suoraryhtinen mies, kasvot kuitenkin jo kovasti kuihtuneet, silmät syvälle painautuneet, mutta silti silmissä tulinen kipinä. Sopivan After the trip, the Cardinal Inquisitor stopped and watched me from afar. He saw the girl elpyneen. Inquisitor darkened. He stretched out his fingers and directed the security guards arrest Jesus. Humble and obedient to her beloved people were accustomed to his power, and so the audience immediately took off. The public en masse bowed his head down to the old inquisitor, who blessed the people.

We do not live longer, however, in 1500's Seville, Spain. Therefore eksorsistinen intercession should have been delivered on the steps of Parliament - and better if the parliament chamber. Just top of the stairs of Parliament has created a satanic permissiveness of the Al-Qaeda, the neo-Nazi and Doku Umarov terrorist acts for the advertisement. Just top of the stairs of Parliament has created a satanic permissiveness of the Karelian Association, Aluepalautus Association of Pro Karelia and organizations like that should be the first state to abolish the illegal organizations. Just top of the stairs of the Finnish Parliament has created the sponsoring and support system of Estonia, the apartheid policy of cultural genocide against the Russian. Eksorsistisen power of prayer should be to accelerate judicial decisions, pursuant to which prohibits the above mentioned organizations, leaders and border policy revansistista profitable individuals parliamentary election candidacy the 2011 elections. Such persons would be especially the Karelian Association President Mr Markku Laukkanen (Centre Party MP, who recently received February 23, 2011 up to the apartheid era Medal of the Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves) and Jussi Niinistö (True Finns)

Eksorsistisen Manaus on the content of the importance of prayer and self-sustainability place of delivery of a symbolic weight: the Helsinki Cathedral Steps, will go to the prayer of the Finnish Parliament House.

this figure, the Kavkaz Center, the then upper beam manipulated through the fires of hell that were missing for some reason the original image source: Yamartnah

- - - -

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diet Plan For Pre Eclamsia Patient

Estonia apartheid administration organized a while the illegal elections

Gulf south bank of the ruling apartheid regime, which itself uses a false name "Republic of Estonia," was organized while the illegal elections. As you might guess, the expenditure will continue unchanged.

Apartheid Administration does not allow free elections, with about one-third of the population is excluded from national elections as a material from an unreliable, even if they were born in Estonia and paid taxes all their lives there. When the third population does not vote, it is clear that no democracy can not be the case.

Äänioikeden can get humiliating kansalaisuutesteissä, which will ensure the applicant's loyalty to the Russian anger.

As you know, the apartheid-governing about one-third of the population is Russian. Every attempt to get the Russians involved in politics to torpedo anti-democratic secret police, the so-called protection of the police (ie Kaitsepolitsei Kapo) in particular. Its worst enemies are the Democrats and the speakers of truth.

Kapolla has the power to prescribe to any EU citizen alerts Estonia and the EU's third country nationals normally alerts the entire Schengen area, what is the possibility to use it effectively in the fight against democracy.

Estonian media is completely talustusnuorassa apartheid regime, since all of Estonia, the so-called media, journalists are directly or indirectly employed by Kapon. Everything you write about the Estonian media, is Kapon interests.

Kapon propaganda to identify the best that it all democratic forces are called "extremist". In fact, Estonia's apartheid regime has brought the power of national chauvinism extremists who worships hate fascism and democracy. It afraid of his own people, both Russian and especially Estonians.

Estonia apartheid governance is democratic development rather than taken to invest in information warfare, which in practice means Internet bullying NATO support. This was established in Estonia for the Americans' money kybersodankäynnin video game cave.

Here's how it started brilliantly, when the apartheid regime loyal to General Kaja Kunnas, who can write in Helsingin Sanomat, assesses elections in Estonia, the apartheid of gender equality point of view. Women are told that the House needed more. This "ingenious" trick, the Finnish success in the reader's head sekottamaan to the extent that the Russian human rights abuses did not come immediately to mind.

Kaja Kunnas in defense of the rule, of course, that none of the democratically-minded honest correspondent does not, of course, should not operate a day in Estonia, as Kapo enough for him to organize a so-called. problems, and eventually would drive the country.

then reportedly held in Helsinki on 1.3.2011 the election of the "briefing" Iivi Anna Masso, a staunch defender of the apartheid regime, which all opinions are Kapon interests. He, too, may be surprisingly free to manage the Finnish media, the apartheid government information, the jonka mukaan kysymyksessä olisi "Viron tasavalta".

Ongelma on siinä, että todellista tietoa ei saa juuri millään, sillä Kapo hallitsee Viron sisäistä informaatiotilaa täysin suvereenisti.

Vähän aikaa sitten Narva-Jöesuussa järjestettiin lapsellinen vakoojakokous, johon osallistui peräti sata ihmistä. Virallisesti kokouksen aiheena oli kuulemma "psykologinen puolustus". Kysymys oli siis eräänlaisesta terapiaistunnosta. Viron presidentin johdolla kuulemma kehiteltiin uusia keinoja nettikiusaamisen tehostamiseksi. Tilaisuuteen osallistui monia suomalaisiakin nimiä, jotka ovat rakentaneet uraansa Suomen kautta Venäjää vastaan käydyllä information war. I hope that therapy session was useful to them.

Of course it is wrong to say that Estonia's illegal apartheid administration would only be against the Russians, as it is, above all, anti-human, and therefore also virolasvastainen.

Estonia apartheid regime is an illegal occupying power, who terrorized people just have to be political.

Estonians are victims of political repression, because they are not allowed to think freely.

Ingredients In Oraljel

YLE shelves Bäckman of the documentary film

Docent Johan Bäckman The documentary was to be presented tomorrow, on Monday. YLE, however, shelved the program very dawn of the motion Bäckman nomination for the parliamentary election due. Program will be presented after the elections in April. Part of the leaves, however, had time to assess film, cf. below.

Powder Pink Dress Accessories

Impressionen vom Ammersee

A Unique World-Class Attraction

As intercultural trainer for the Arab World, I am always in search of new and exotic projects and undertakings throughout the Middle East. 
The capital of the State of Qatar, Doha, has been a special place ever since I visited for the first time in 2001. And what a place it had become, how much has changed in such a comparably short period of time! 


  The Sheraton hotel in 1983

The peninsula today (Sheraton to the left)

However, the most iconic building of Doha does not need height, as it is a true gem of its own: the Museum of Islamic Art, built by the Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei. The position in the corniche of Doha, on a single island, already makes it unique. But what has stunned particularly was the unparalleled design of the building in combination with the collection, the views and the athmosphere. 

  The Museum behind traditional dhows

The skyline of Doha in the backdrop

  Islamic patterns as a guiding theme

The mask and its shadows

View against the blue sky

The outside park provides spectacular views

A monumental piece of the exhibition

The night view is breathtaking
For more information on the Museum, visit the official website: 

And should you come to Qatar on a business basis, make sure to have an adequate preparation for the intercultural peculiarities and specifics of the country and its people I would be happy to support you!
Andreas Hauser

conflict management in

intercultural training
The necessity and the limits of "fetching out of the comfort zone"

Workshop on 10 February 2011 was in Munich
An interactive evening hosted by Thu Phong Vuong and Andreas Hauser, at the SIETAR members and interested parties exercises presented, to exchange experiences and stimulate discussion on methods in intercultural training.

confrontation methods

How to get in intercultural training, the participants? How one achieves a sustainable learning? How much can and should be confronted participants overturn their expectations and they get out of their comfort zone - and what should not happen? n

initial exercise

Thu Phong began the evening with an exercise: No sich vorzustellen – sitzend und über Unterlagen gebeugt – befahl er den Teilnehmer aufzustehen, sich wieder hinzusetzen, wieder aufzustehen, wieder hinzusetzen...
Danach sprang er auf, lachte in die Runde und bedankte sich ganz herzlich – um dann gleich in das Debriefing zu gehen:
n              Some TN had not followed the instructions: ¡

no eye contact
harsher tone
¡ ;

no sense
Thu Phong Vuong during his debriefing exercise
n ;
Es gibt keine universellen Gründe oder Werte, die ein Mitmachen oder ein Verweigern bei einer Übung begründen – alles basiert auf der Wertung der Wahrnehmung durch die Teilnehmer selbst (Beispiel: beim Militär wären die o.g. Anmerkungen kein Grund, den Anweisungen nicht Folge zu leisten) n
Wichtig bei jeder Art von Konfrontationsmethodik: ¡              
the exercise must be very well prepared
¡ the coach must be authentic act
¡ the role of confrontation must be resolved, apparently (Gestures, facial expressions, tone).
What IK confrontation in training?
n What is actually the term "confrontational methods" to bring about what he or ? trigger
n Clearly, the concept when talking "Get out of the comfort zone" of the TN. Other terms were called "induced culture shock," "positive distraction," "Play with uncertainties".

n goal is to trigger a lasting effect on the eye-TN, by being transported in an awkward situation to bring out emotions and on this level, they to work.
n The values \u200b\u200bof TN are made visible => self-reflection because of the identified own behavior to be achieved.

One danger is, TN to offend, to go too far and to lose because they lose confidence in the coach or not feel good to open up and actively participate in the training.
view of the attentive-wave
How can be used confrontational methods in training IK?
n Different people find different behaviors than confrontation: some willing to accept the authority, others want just do not let her out of the reserve, while others do not want an audience - or they are simply too sensitive to deal with direct training methods. n

The same applies also to coach: while some confronting and dealing with effortless ease in unpleasant situation look, others are more gentle on methods and a good atmosphere within the training group.
The type of training methods should be the unanimous opinion of the authenticity of the / of the Trainer / s follow and be considerate of the needs of the participants.
national cultures may or may not exert an influence on the compatibility of confrontation methods => different reactions are probably due more to the personality.
! However: Thu Phong his initial exercise has never been used in China because he has not assess the reaction.
Eine weitere Idee ist, nicht mit Schwächen zu konfrontieren sondern ein verändertes Verhalten positiv zu verstärken.
Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz und Übungsbeispiele

Ein besonders guter, aber auch heikler Moment für die Methode ist der Beginn des Trainings: TN und Trainer kennen sich noch nicht, das Treffen bringt unterschwellige Erwartungen with it, may be disappointed by the conscious.
n more examples and practice
participants recommended characteristics and preferences of the trainer
¡ TN receive different instructions for the mutual physical greeting
¡ ; a Japanese training begins in a very bad and awkward English
¡ coach makes an impression of uncoordinated and poorly prepared
¡ Trainer plays a different role undetected (Housekeeper, electricians)
¡ Introduction findet ausschließlich auf privater Ebene statt
n              Auch während des Trainings können Konfrontationsmethoden eingesetzt werden, z. B. ungewohnt enger Körperkontakt in der Zielkultur. 

Aktive Übung zum Köperkontakt
n is very important to the proper debriefing and identifying the direct effect of a learning for the TN - otherwise slip into the opening from unprofessional and credibility in the ability of the coach is impaired.
n If an aha take the TN-effect of the initial exercise, confidence in the coach from the beginning is very strong!
limits of the methodology
n According to the Trainer, there are limits that should not be exceeded:
¡ Do not get in the panic zone
¡ No loss of face
¡ hierarchies are to respect

stop at open protest immediately
a non-wool must be accepted Summary

summary can be stated that may be the use of confrontational methods in intercultural training is a good way to achieve a lasting effect and an ongoing training success in TN. However, should the teacher be aware of in himself very clearly where the dangers of "fetching out of the comfort zone" are and where the boundaries are drawn.
for further exchange and contact, the two presenters are willing !
Thu Phong Vuong
Phone: +49 (0) 40 88,143,240

. de
Andreas Hauser Phone: +49 (0) 8143 999 480

SIETAR Germany eV

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Type Swastika With Alt

Paavo Salonen, Simo Pietiläinen and Olli Perheentupa receive criminal charges

famous Russian mother Rimma Salonen, a Finnish court intends to bring charges against the son of Anton, kidnapping, kidnapping, smuggling and official crimes Simo Pietilä, visit, Paavo Salo, and the Consul-General Olli Perheentupaa against. Men are, therefore, to prepare for a criminal trial.

Paavo Salonen receives allegations of detention, child abduction and the state border crime, Simo Pietiläinen the crimes, and assistance for the state border crime and Olli Perheentupa the crimes.

Rimma Salonen, intends to place the crimes of the Finnish judicial review at the earliest. Challenge for the application is based on the owner's right to bring charges against himself and the constitutional right to prosecute the crimes.

Russian state prosecutor brought Paavo Salo and Simo Pietilä, visit indictments against Anton Salonen's kidnapping and the smuggling of Finnish diplomatic trunk of a car as early as December 2009 and requested the Finnish Minister of Justice to refer the matter to the Finnish courts.

Tanais decision on Finland's Prosecutor General took Pietiläinen Simon and Mr. Salonen's committed crimes, but left charges without lifting. The background is a tough pressure from the National Coalition of Ministers, as Foreign Minister Stubb and Minister of Defence Häkämies were praised by the son of Anton kidnapping and smuggling have been filed already very early stages of a criminal investigation.

prosecutor decision to build upon it, that Anton Salonen's Russian citizenship would be revoked in a Russian court, which is why a child would have had to seek out. In reality, Russia, the Court has no authority to decide on Russian citizenship. Office of the Prosecutor of interpretation, therefore, shows ignorance and also great ammattitaidottomuutta.

Finland to the General Prosecutor of Antonin intercept would have been as high as the police authorities for authorization and instructions, although there is no evidence of anything other than the hostage's own statements. Clang submitted therefore the decision that as many as six (6) a witness having been consulted by the Russian police officers would be in concert lied when he said that they never have been able to authorize a child abduction.

amusing detail is the General Prosecutor's argument that the former Consul Simon Pietiläinen would have had to suffer, because he lost his job in St. Petersburg consulate. In fact, Pietiläinen was better than pesticides in Helsinki, and then top international responsibilities in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

In fact, the Prosecutor General today's decision is Rimma Salonen's a great victory, because Simon Pietiläinen and Mr. Salonen has been found guilty of crimes. So theirs is a merit, that the matter would be investigated in court.

Rimma Salonen Salonen, according to Anton abduction and smuggling were also obtained from the Finnish Government's approval, as Foreign Minister Stubb 05.14.2009 gave an interview given to crimes of full political support, blaming Rimma Salo, criminal, and Prime Minister Vanhanen refused on the same day in a television interview twice to answer Promoted supplier Jari Bottle the question of whether he knew the state leadership Anton interception arrangements in advance.

In fact, Rimma Salonen had traveled from custody in Russia with a boy in Russia in March 2008, after which he received the police and ex-husband imprisonment and threats of losing a child, and he dared to return. Tampere District Court took custody of him, Anton's mother, without consulting him, and no ilmoittamatta heti huhtikuussa 2008, vaikka hänen osoitteensa ja yhteystietonsa olivat asianomaisten tiedossa.

Ilmeisesti kysymys on vain siitä, että kokoomus tarvitsi itselleen köyhän venäläisen naisen pilkanteon kohteeksi. Siitä onkin nyt tullut olennainen osa kansainvälistä Suomi-brändiä juuri Stubbin ansiosta.

Stubb sanoi heti tapahtuman jälkeen, että Antonin sieppauksessa ja salakuljetuksessa toimittiin inhimillisesti oikein. Sama inhimillisyysperuste esiintyy nyt kaksi vuotta myöhemmin valtakunnansyyttäjänviraston päätöksessä. Myös puolustusministeri Jyri Häkämies painosti oikeusviranomaisia ilmoittamalla vielä syksyllä 2009, the kidnapping of the son of Anton and the smuggling was done correctly.

Rimma Salonen, according to his mother illegally abducted children should not have to hide the consulate months. This issue should have been dealt with, for example panttivankitilanteena. St Petersburg, Consul General Olli Perheentupa responsible for the illegal procedure and gets to court.

claims that the case was looking for a solution from the Russian authorities are Rimma Salonen of wood hay, and they have no evidence. In fact, the diplomats were trying to solve the various crimes caused by the situation only by developing new crimes.

In any case, it is now clear that Anton Salonen is the history of the iceberg, which the Finnish "rule" collided. Finland's Honorary brand embedding belongs to Alexander Stubb.

Rimma Salonen is confident that the criminal charges against a Finnish court impartially investigated and that the governmental decision, the judges take into account all the facts made known.

Paavo Salonen, Simo Pietiläinen and Olli Perheentupa will be ironed dress and choose a tie with a criminal trial.

Oh, and yet the end of this Russian proverb: Well laugh at it, who laughs last.