Saturday, May 29, 2010

Science Project Mimic Stomach

Unterschriften gegen Abriss von Theater und Komödie am Kurfürstendamm!

against the demolition of the Theater am Kurfürstendamm and Komödie am Kufürstendamm now a public petition. Required for a referendum needed 7,000 signatures. About 100 pieces were the Green Youth Charlottenburg - Wilmersdorf and Steglitz Green Youth - Zehlendorf in a joint fundraising at 19.5. contribute to the Savigny Platz / Kurfürstendamm / Zoo / Paris Street.
We think that would go with the demolition and construction of a shopping center with very little spare stage to the cultural lost in CW. We need to CW and Berlin in total not more shopping malls, where the evening is nothing going on, but more cultural opportunities!

Hp 7400 Scaner Coud Not Be Initialized Error

Menschenkette gegen Atomkraft am 24.4. zwischen Brunsbüttel und Krümmel

Am 24.4. 2010 we were involved in the action between human chain Brunsbüttel and Krümmel against plans of the CDU and FDP exit from the nuclear phase. Many buses started at about 9 clock at Kurt-Schumacher-Platz to the north. One took us to the Young Greens in the Berlin neighborhood of Elmshorn, because that was the region for Berlin was reserved.

was About 15 clock, the chain actually on 250 km length, in part, in rows of five as in the Hamburg city center, in part it took in the countryside and scarves or other clothing to close the chain. But it succeeded. ;)

reports found here:, 1518,689095,00 html politik/atomkraftgegner-bilden-120-kilometer-menschenkette; 2,567,815, 1518,691054,00 html

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Retaining Wall Depth Spreadsheet

Vorbereitungstreffen für Scientology-Demo

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

an diesem Samstag will die Grüne Jugend des Bezirks zusammen mit anderen politischen Jugendorganisationen a b 14 Uhr gegen Scientology, vor deren Zentrale in der Otto-Suhr-Allee 30–34, 10585 Berlin , demonstrieren.

Wir möchten unser letztes Arbeitstreffen vor der Demo nutzen um uns vorzubereiten und weiter inhaltlich auszutauschen. We invite you on Thursday, 27 May at 19 clock in the Rathaus Wilmersdorf , Fehrbelliner Platz 4, 10707 Berlin, U-Bahn station. Fehrbellinerplatz, space 3073b one.
We describe the way out from the entrance.

hope to Thursday!

Chesapeake Gloryholes

design for our pavilion

Hallo Zusammen,
hier einmal der Entwurf für unseren Pavillon neben der Hütte. Der Pavillon besteht aus einer Quadratrohrkonstruktion und wird in 80 cm tiefe, einbetonierte Rohrhülsen gestellt und ist somit jederzeit wieder abbaubar. Auf den Seiten Richtung Anfahrtsweg und Landebahn ist jeweils ein kleines Fenster vorgesehen. Oben in der Dachmitte lassen wir eine mit der Plane verschließbare Luke, damit wir den Rauch für ein eventuelles Grillevent ins Freie leiten können.
Falls noch jemand einen weiteren Vorschlag machen will, kann er mir gerne eine E-Mail schicken ( ) oder hier einen Kommentar abgeben.

Gruß Alex

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Contact Solution On Airplanes

... had on his back

... so it looks when you pull.
done April 2009 Extra300 model from Graupner

Pilot: Manuel

Friday, May 7, 2010

Buy Evian Water Australia

model sports group Sipplingen eV press presented on a lake

Relationship Countdp Widget

Here comes Alex

Hi, here is my new "Helibaby", the mini Titan
with Agusta A109 K2
In good weather you can even fly it :-)

Greetings Alex

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Aravind Eye Hospital Madurai

Flugplatzfest Radolfzell

15:05:10 to 16:05:10

Flugplatzfest the model group Radolfzell eV .
airfield festival Modellbaugruppe Radolfzell e.V.

Kontakt: Toni Bäuerle
07534-995240 /

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Permanent Nerve Damage Periformis Syndrome


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Elektric Box Level 19

involvement in


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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Location Of Garotte In Godfather 2

Here comes Alex

Hi, yes is not bad at this blogging! Since there is today at 1 May rains, one can only hope that we will make up for these fancy grilling soon.
Here is a nice "Airwolf" bathroom-Saulgau model air show 2009 in which the weather was a bit better.
Until the day

Steam Room Sauna Etiquette Sauna

.... soon in air combat while

winter ... my site - FW 190
from the fair last year in
Unfortunately, the pilot is not because of the shaky knees
into the cockpit
But soon she mixes in air combat over the place.