Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ikusa-otome Suvia Special

Bericht aus Dresden

than the current levels I can not say

"They stood there as nailed, cheek to cheek and full of rage ... Thanks to the blockades of thousands of Nazi opponents were the brown Geschichtsverdreher penned before the railway station Dresden-Neustadt. Civic Democrats and leftists occupied the surrounding streets and squares, the police did not undertake a detailed eviction and saved the city of heavy street battles. .. The 13th February 2010 is the date of a heavy defeat of right-wing in Germany. And a great success for the young, often seemingly without consolidating democracy in the East. This is just in Saxony, where the NPD moved again last year in the Diet, a historical signal ... Dresden is now a symbolic word for democracy, will be successful against their worst enemies. In the 20th Year of German Unity outshines "Dresden" the pictures that were shown in East Germany in the early nineties ... But on Saturday were in Dresden the masses against the Nazis. In the blockades and the giant human chain in the historical center, for genuine memory of the victims of Nazi regime and war. The right is still dangerous, he is far from defeated ... But Dresden is encouraging. Hopefully in the last corner of the province. In the East and West. "

We were there! Early Saturday tomorrow it went off in three buses. Several hundred Green made their way to Dresden, to prevent the Nazi demonstration. At noon we were there and joined the masses. The success story you know already ...

This weekend we all will remain long in the memory and not just because we were able to prevent all along the deployment of the right. This weekend has also shown that it pays to stand up for his beliefs. From this certainty, we can draw new strength and motivation for the next demos and actions! To the world much greener.

Here is the link to an article in the Tagesspiegel of 15.02.2010:, art141, 3030831