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Interkulturelles Training: Dubai / VAE

Where and what if you please Qatar?

Excuse me, where and what is

For many it came as a surprise to some as a shock, only for a few it was an understandable decision, FIFA has given the country of Qatar to bid to host the second largest sporting event in the world, the FIFA World Cup 2022.


is Now for the inclined football fan, but also for die Allgemeinheit die Frage: Wo liegt denn bitte Katar? Was hat es mit dem Land auf sich? Was gibt es dort kulturell und touristisch Interessantes? Und wie wird die Fußball-WM ablaufen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen habe ich Informationen gesammelt und stelle diese als Links zur Verfügung. 
Die Halbinsel liegt im Arabisch-Persischen Golf, und ist mit einer Ausbreitung von rund 80 x 160 km recht übersichtlich. Geschätzte  1 Million Menschen leben vornehmlich in der Hauptstadt Doha – davon sind rund 150.000 Kataris, der Rest Gastarbeiter. Mit einem Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von rund 120.000 US$ gilt Katar als das reichste Land der Welt – reiche Öl- and gas reserves make it possible.

Weblink: Qatar in Wikipedia

CIA World Factbook Qatar

As an intercultural trainer for Qatar I am preparing for years managers, project managers and professionals to working and living on site before and know the country very well. My first encounter I had in 2001-02, as an exciting project for me Doha brought. The tourism sector as an economic sector for the next ten years to plan strategically
One of the recommendations was then put on the development of sports and sporting events to the country. In 2006, the ASEAN Games Qataris have already demonstrated that they can organize a sports event. The fact that Qatar is now among the highest orders of sport swings open and will host the football World Cup 2022, may be surprising indeed - but for Qatari expert is really just a logical consequence of the national ambitions.


Weblink: ;
The awarding of the World Cup is not met at all understanding. want to act in particular the outside temperature is expected 50 ° C, which the organizers of the sports facilities with cooling to 27 ° C, contrary encountered in the . Advocates of environmental sustainability to criticism
states, Qatar wants to put up $ 40 billion in infrastructure development. - The first pictures of the planned stadiums are impressive in any case

also a German company since 2009, already heavily involved: the architectural, urban and transport planning office Albert Speer & partners from Frankfurt, the application documents of Qatar to the FIFA World Cup developed in 2022.

Albert Speer & Partner, AS & P: Qatar

Still, there are quite a number of discussions for the award of the World Cup, the exact time and various cultural issues. Qatar is No. 113 of the FIFA world rankings and has not been shown as a football fanatic country. And among other things, concerned with the question of how a serving of alcohol is in the fan zones in a country that has so far only in hotels consumption on low-and high-proof! Weblink: Winter Championships in Qatar in 2022

Weblink: Kamelreiten beliebter als Fußball

Weblink: Kein Alkohol, keine sexy Fans

Weblink: FC Barcelona verkauft sich an Katar

Fakt ist jedoch, dass Katar hart für das Projekt 2022 gearbeitet hat – vor allem sind sie bereit, dafür auch weiter viel zu investieren. Nur wenige wissen, dass das reichste Land der Welt schon lange als globaler Investor tätig ist und auch in Deutschland eine wichtige wirtschaftliche Rolle spielt:


Weblink: German built car in Qatar Sheikh
Weblink: Qatar's big plans in Germany
Weblink: Where fairy tales are still

have to enter the country and the culture I have a list of relevant
books and literature about Qatar

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And if deepen the business relationship, I offer you my services as intercultural management trainer for Qatar and the Arab world to - because cross-cultural avoid pitfalls and be successful on the ground is (besides the heat) probably one of the biggest challenges in the country! :-) Weblink:
Intercultural Training for Qatar, Qatar
Andreas Hauser
Management Consultant . on Christmas night

The Ammersee was then on Christmas Day at its best: everything covered in snow and untouched - an absolute dream landscape ...

Here are some impressions - in association with the best Christmas wishes

boat cabins in the snow


panoramic view in webs

Winter Still Life with trash

walk along the water

snowy ascent

hollow tree trunk in winter dress

branches light play in the snow

perspective exchange

beech forest in the winter

on and off-View

One of my favorite subjects

The Christmas dog!
beautiful holiday season with peace and relaxation I wish!

Andreas Hauser

Management Consultant

. Com



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