expatriates have more ideas "
Harvard Business Manager
but now there is the first time from studies to demonstrate:
Manager with experience of working abroad and interest in other cultures are more creative and make faster career
! The current issue of Harvard Business Manager
, the German offshoot of the Harvard Business Review, deals with the focus on "Leadership
Harvard Business Manager
Under the heading "Trends: career," there appears a two-page article by William Maddux, Adam Galinsky and Carmit Tadmor. In this wird anhand meherer Studien belegt, dass
internationale Erfahrung sowohl dem Mitarbeiter als auch dem Unternehmen nutzt!

Weblink: Ausgabe November 2010 des HBM
Interkulturell interessierte und versierte Manager sind kreativer , lösen Probleme besser , sind einfallsreicher bei der Geschäftsentwicklung – und steigen schneller auf .
And finally, a study showed. bicultural managers that they are better able to deal with complex issues and thus . to provide higher performance in the job
The authors' conclusion is especially interesting to us for cross-cultural Trainer: companies should ensure that the expatriates intensively during their stay abroad with the culture of the host country concerned
because they are creative and entrepreneurial thereby.
Management Consultant & Trainer Intercultural
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