SIETAR Regionalgruppe München
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why Is Goth So Expensive
sin oigas juzgarme.
I want you to listen to me without judging me.
I want you to say your opinion without me giving advice.
Quiero que me Ayud sin intentar decidir por mí.
I want you to help me, without deciding for me.
Quiero que me anularme sin CUID.
I want, that you care for me without overwhelming me.
Quiero que me mides sin proyectar tus cosas en mí.
Quiero que me abraces sin asfixiarme.
Ich will, dass du mich umarmst, ohne mir den Atem zu rauben.
I want you to call me into aliveness, not to harass me.
Quiero que me sostengas sin hacerte cargo de mí. I want you to hold me, without me to hold.
Quiero que me protejas sin mentiras. I want you to protect me, honestly.
want to get close without intruding.
Ich will, dass du dich näherst, doch nicht als Eindringling. things I want you to know that you like my dislike.
Ich will, dass du das kennst all, WAS missfällt mir an dir.
That you accept all the ... not try to change.
Quiero que ... que hoy puedas SEPAS contar conmigo ...
I want you to know ... now that you can count on me ...
Sin condiciones. Unconditionally.
Plakat "Ich will" zum Bestellen:
Webseite von Jorge Bucay: MENTE SANA
(Spanisch) Weitere Bücher von Jorge Bucay:
Andreas Hauser Management Consultant
developing culture
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Saturday, February 12, 2011
Watch Brent Everett Movies Free Online
Interkulturelles Training: Dubai / VAE
Where and what if you please Qatar?
Where and what if you please Qatar?
Excuse me, where and what is Qatar?
For many it came as a surprise to some as a shock, only for a few it was an understandable decision, FIFA has given the country of Qatar to bid to host the second largest sporting event in the world, the FIFA World Cup 2022.
is Now for the inclined football fan, but also for die Allgemeinheit die Frage: Wo liegt denn bitte Katar? Was hat es mit dem Land auf sich? Was gibt es dort kulturell und touristisch Interessantes? Und wie wird die Fußball-WM ablaufen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen habe ich Informationen gesammelt und stelle diese als Links zur Verfügung.
Die Halbinsel liegt im Arabisch-Persischen Golf, und ist mit einer Ausbreitung von rund 80 x 160 km recht übersichtlich. Geschätzte 1 Million Menschen leben vornehmlich in der Hauptstadt Doha – davon sind rund 150.000 Kataris, der Rest Gastarbeiter. Mit einem Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von rund 120.000 US$ gilt Katar als das reichste Land der Welt – reiche Öl- and gas reserves make it possible.
Die Halbinsel liegt im Arabisch-Persischen Golf, und ist mit einer Ausbreitung von rund 80 x 160 km recht übersichtlich. Geschätzte 1 Million Menschen leben vornehmlich in der Hauptstadt Doha – davon sind rund 150.000 Kataris, der Rest Gastarbeiter. Mit einem Pro-Kopf-Einkommen von rund 120.000 US$ gilt Katar als das reichste Land der Welt – reiche Öl- and gas reserves make it possible.
Weblink: Qatar in Wikipedia
CIA World Factbook Qatar As an intercultural trainer for Qatar I am preparing for years managers, project managers and professionals to working and living on site before and know the country very well. My first encounter I had in 2001-02, as an exciting project for me Doha brought. The tourism sector as an economic sector for the next ten years to plan strategically
Weblink: ;
The awarding of the World Cup is not met at all understanding. want to act in particular the outside temperature is expected 50 ° C, which the organizers of the sports facilities with cooling to 27 ° C, contrary encountered in the . Advocates of environmental sustainability to criticism
The awarding of the World Cup is not met at all understanding. want to act in particular the outside temperature is expected 50 ° C, which the organizers of the sports facilities with cooling to 27 ° C, contrary encountered in the . Advocates of environmental sustainability to criticism
states, Qatar wants to put up $ 40 billion in infrastructure development. - The first pictures of the planned stadiums are impressive in any case
also a German company since 2009, already heavily involved: the architectural, urban and transport planning office Albert Speer & partners from Frankfurt, the application documents of Qatar to the FIFA World Cup developed in 2022.
Albert Speer & Partner, AS & P: Qatar
Still, there are quite a number of discussions for the award of the World Cup, the exact time and various cultural issues. Qatar is No. 113 of the FIFA world rankings and has not been shown as a football fanatic country. And among other things, concerned with the question of how a serving of alcohol is in the fan zones in a country that has so far only in hotels consumption on low-and high-proof! Weblink: Winter Championships in Qatar in 2022
Weblink: Kamelreiten beliebter als Fußball
Weblink: Kein Alkohol, keine sexy Fans
Weblink: FC Barcelona verkauft sich an Katar
Fakt ist jedoch, dass Katar hart für das Projekt 2022 gearbeitet hat – vor allem sind sie bereit, dafür auch weiter viel zu investieren. Nur wenige wissen, dass das reichste Land der Welt schon lange als globaler Investor tätig ist und auch in Deutschland eine wichtige wirtschaftliche Rolle spielt:
Weblink: German built car in Qatar Sheikh
Weblink: Qatar's big plans in Germany
Weblink: Where fairy tales are still
have to enter the country and the culture I have a list of relevant
& amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; a href = " amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; MarketPlace = GB & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; ID = V20070822% 2Fen% 2F8001% 21% 2Fdevelopingcul-2F86744b43-277a-4f99 -a5f1-448f833a1e2a & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Operation = NoScript "& amp; amp ; amp; amp; amp; amp; gt; Widgets & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; lt; / A & amp; amp; amp; amp amp; amp; amp; gt;
And if deepen the business relationship, I offer you my services as intercultural management trainer for Qatar and the Arab world to - because cross-cultural avoid pitfalls and be successful on the ground is (besides the heat) probably one of the biggest challenges in the country! :-) Weblink:
Intercultural Training for Qatar, Qatar
Andreas Hauser
Management Consultant . on Christmas night
Management Consultant . on Christmas night
The Ammersee was then on Christmas Day at its best: everything covered in snow and untouched - an absolute dream landscape ...
Winter Still Life with trash
walk along the water
snowy ascent
beech forest in the winter
One of my favorite subjects
The Christmas dog!
beautiful holiday season with peace and relaxation I wish!
Andreas Hauser
Management Consultant
. Com
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What Is Hypermobility Connected With
Interkulturelles Training: Bahrain
The Medina of Tunis
The old town (Medina Arabic) in Tunis is a particular gem: Since 1979, it is a world heritage site and is now home to around 20,000 people.
map of the Medina
Around the Ez-Zeitouna Mosque cover the various market streets (Arabic souk), traditionally by industry groups are: perfume, shoes, clothes, fabrics or foods
areas of the old town of Tunis has been subjected in recent years, extensive renovations to save the crumbling buildings of the centuries prior to expiration.
The restored Ramadan-Bey-place The Medina of Tunis
The old town (Medina Arabic) in Tunis is a particular gem: Since 1979, it is a world heritage site and is now home to around 20,000 people.
map of the Medina
Around the Ez-Zeitouna Mosque cover the various market streets (Arabic souk), traditionally by industry groups are: perfume, shoes, clothes, fabrics or foods
The Olive Tree Mosque areas of the old town of Tunis has been subjected in recent years, extensive renovations to save the crumbling buildings of the centuries prior to expiration.
a great movie has brought out the swr in his series: Treasures of the World - Heritage of Mankind:
link swr movie review: Schätze der Welt: Die Altstadt von Tunis
Die Türen von Tunis
Im folgenden stelle ich den zweiten Teil meiner Fotoserie über die Tore von Tunis vor – ein Kaleidskop an Farben, Formen und Eindrücken:
Article link:
Weblink Article:
business cooperation with Tunisia and Tunisians
which I refer, like on my offer to intercultural management seminar

Intercultural Training for Tunisia
Andreas Hauser
Management Consultant
Winter has us under control - but in addition to unusual flights are delayed trains and icy roads, the positive sides of the season ...
Just Ammersee shows, the winter landscape at its best - Here are some impressions of last weekend. Have fun with it!
The Wörthsee in the winter sun
untouched snow fields Snowy jetty
The ice in the backlight
call for snow play
Where else indulge in the sun bathers ...
The song of the ice is impressive to see
time what the other winter so bring with you! :-)
Andreas Hauser
Management Consultant
One of my last projects as cross-cultural lead trainer for the Arab world, I recently returned to Tunisia once. I had the opportunity, the beautiful Medina (old city) of Tunis to visit, and on my walks through the streets I photographed the various doors and gates. gates are the entrances to houses, souls and worlds. The doors of Tunis depict a kaleidoscope of different colors, shapes and states, just like the people and the society they represent.
Öl und ein sein schier unermesslicher Reichtum . Doch was ist wirklich dran an dem Bild, dass wir uns von dem größten Land der Arabischen Halbinsel machen?
Die saudische Hauptstadt Riad/Riyadh Die erste Annahme stützt sich auf die Fakten, dass in dem Land rund 25% der weltweiten Ölreserven liegen: Saudi-Arabien ist das globale Ölland Nummer eins. Bei der zweiten Annahme ist jedoch schon Vorsicht geboten: Mit einem durchschnittlichen Bruttosozialprodukt pro Kopf von 23,300 US$ rangiert das Land weltweit gerade auf Platz 55, hinter Ländern wie Italien, Slowenien oder Malta. Weblink: CIA World Factbook Country Ranking Vorstellung und Realität liegen beim Thema Saudi-Arabien oft ziemlich weit auseinander. Und gerade
die auf
oder als Expatriates
vor Ort sind und dort arbeiten, müssen sich in vielen Bereichen kulturell neu orientieren: Wie gestaltet sich die Zusammenarbeit vor Ort? Wie läuft der Arbeitsalltag ab? Was sind die beruflichen und privaten Herausforderungen im Königreich? Und was bietet das Land an Freizeitmöglichkeiten?
beer shelf in Saudi supermarket: alcohol-free!
Due to my professional activity as a project
in recent years, I know the country and its characteristics very well. Some interesting facts
I've collected here: ... the King Khaled Airport in Riyadh area the largest of the World, even if his fourth runway never used?
... the Kingdom of the Nabatean city Mada'in Salih - the sister city of the world-famous Petra in Jordan - presents more than 150 tombs in the desert?
... the highest clock tower in the world this year is in Mecca? The resolution of the puzzle is in the last two days looking contribution to admire: Weblink:
Hajj 2010 in Mecca (Tagesschau) water fountain on the Corniche in Jeddah / Jeddah
The Saudis are not tired of emphasizing that their land and therefore the (working) culture strongly the other Gulf states differ. But that depends, ultimately, again very much depends on what level
you are and with what nationalities mix
has to do it - are often more Lebanese and Indians as Saudis can meet the man!

brunch on Friday morning
mitzubringen, die sich insbesondere auf folgende Bereiche erstrecken sollte:
Indirekte Kommunikation
Netzwerke und Entscheidungsebenen
special living conditions
site show up in the private sector, which is in Saudi Arabia restricted simple: There is no cinema, no public music and the segregation the public is respected. Therefore, everyone should Expatriate set well with his family to the situation and his hobbies take accordingly.
have as an introduction I created a list of cross-cultural books and recommended reading at which any gain (s) interested in an overview can:
Die beste interkulturelle Literatur zu Saudi-Arabien
Von den Teilnehmern meiner Seminare höre ich immer wieder, dass ein
interkulturelles Training als Vorbereitung auf die speziellen Herausforderungen im Königreich Saudi-Arabien
unerlässlich und äußerst hilfreich
ist: um Fragen zu beantworten, um Stereotype ins Rechte Licht zu rücken, um Tabus zu erfahren – und um ein tieferes Verständnis für das Land und seine Einwohner zu bekommen.
Für Anfragen zu
Deployment preparations 
for professionals and executives and their families to Jeddah, Damman and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf states I stand as an intercultural trainer happy.
Andreas Hauser
Tollwood in Munich:
Intercultural Christmas market
it snows, the winter is here and with it the time of the Christmas markets ... Since Wednesday Munich's most intriguing, fullest, most colorful and open cross-cultural art: the Tollwood Christmas market on Theresienwiese
link. Tollwood Some highlights and culinary impressions here for start! Go on a mad Wood!
colorful and varied - the hallmark
Even Radlstand is illuminated Find out for yourself what it is! Highly recommended for snow: Dragon's Blood The rhododendron on the way to the Alps
Andreas Hauser
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