Am 24.4. 2010 we were involved in the action between human chain Brunsbüttel and Krümmel against plans of the CDU and FDP exit from the nuclear phase. Many buses started at about 9 clock at Kurt-Schumacher-Platz to the north. One took us to the Young Greens in the Berlin neighborhood of Elmshorn, because that was the region for Berlin was reserved.

was About 15 clock, the chain actually on 250 km length, in part, in rows of five as in the Hamburg city center, in part it took in the countryside and scarves or other clothing to close the chain. But it succeeded. ;)

reports found here:, 1518,689095,00 html politik/atomkraftgegner-bilden-120-kilometer-menschenkette; 2,567,815, 1518,691054,00 html
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