Thursday, December 31, 2009

When Do Lip Warts Disappear?

new meeting between the years in the Haveli

Am 30.12. Green invited the youth Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf a new meeting in the restaurant at the Haveli Viktoria-Luise-Platz. We introduced ourselves to the interested parties to discuss the past year, and planned activities and events for 2010.

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information campaign on 17.12.2009

17.12.2009 we warmed in cold winter weather, the passersby on the street on Wilmersdorfer with mulled wine, and they infomierten of the current district policy, and of course for the time Climate Conference to take place. We think it important that the parties are not only during election campaigns on the road, but Warn just during the legislative sessions of their work.

Monday, November 30, 2009

How Long Does Pleurisy F

33 Green Youth League congress in Weimar

From Friday 16 to Sunday, 18 October 2009, found in the Weimar 33rd National congress of the Greens young instead. It was the greatest of all time! Over 400 (new) members met at the Goethe sikutierten space and the orientation of the young green policy after the election. Of course, each member was able to arrive, and also had to vote. We are, after all, not the young Union! But of course you had to sleep in a fancy gym, but that was thanks to Mats but still quite comfortable. Provided for the safe from a perfectly trained Securityman. ;)

On the second day came Renate Künast. The afternoon and early evening was reserved for the applications. You have to add something critical that has been discussed quite a lot but formal. This involved the important content applications will be transferred (eg, the FY Säkularismusantrag Berlin) to the Committee and the next Buko. This must not be!
Then came the continuation of the Poetry Slam - with grandiose lyrics and winners, the partial but gave up their gains, the financial crisis Quartet in current edition. The free sponsorship of the Games Bukos by this giant was probably not so good. A local experimental hip-hop group was not so good, and was unanimously adopted soon again. For it was then up at night danced by 3.4.

The next day, still deals with some applications and vote on the new national board. And then we could again look at the Weimar days. A really funny Buko, which can recommend real!

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S-Bahn-Teacher 2009

In the following two night Rage from the September and October.

On 9/24/2009 namely found the crisis because of the S-Bahn S-Bahn highly regarded annual conference day held at the North Station. A year previously, Dr. Heinemann, assisted by his team of experts (including chief restructuring specialist Ulrich Thon) in Schimmelpfenghaus on Kantstrasse, confident of victory, and slightly arrogant of cost savings and Leistungsoptmierungen. The Shimmelpfenghaus is now demolished. Heinemann also had to go. And there sat that night, the new S-Bahn chief Buchner alone compared with moderator Tschepe IGEB from an angry mob. They had moved the meeting because of the great interest in the larger rooms at the North Station DB. Despite the crisis, the DB usually attempted again to make even more money, and sold at exorbitant prices Cola and Fanta.

The Berlin group of rail for all who is a member of the Young Greens, was of course present, and distributed the new "Travel Plan" critical information on Bahnpruvatisierung that we have now thanks to this great time acting with the S-Bahn. All the tables they had seen. But it was not a Buchanan. He answered questions only to issues that came into play since he took office. Such was soon clear that not cleaned up and festgstellt it became clear what had triggered the crisis (too high expectation of profit), and who are the culprits for this.

Heinemann and Co. are still on leave, still receive salaries from the DB, Thon was even promoted to Veratwortlichen for the entire vehicle fleet of the DB Regio. Some visitors came suspected that there could be a deal that Heinemann will not be released, but says nothing to his specifications to save money.
one can be said clearly: The chaos in the train is simply irresponsible! The contracts between the Senate and the S-Bahn to be finally revealed and the city needs to get back more control over these troops Chaos!

a further detailed report on this' day-neutral can be found here at Railroad Information .

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Feet Scene In The Movies

"Uranium - is it a country?" Potsdam from the GAL

Currently, the energy indeed a big issue. After looking at the last meeting at City Hall with the impact of lignite mining, for example, people employed in Brandenburg haben (so gibt es dort wohl noch nicht einmal ein Planfeststellungsverfahren. Es reicht wohl ein Antrag und man kann budeln), oraganisiert die GAL der Uni Postdam jetzt eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Uranabbau:

Die grüne Hochschulgruppe der Uni Potsdam zeigt nämlich am Montag ab 18:15 Uhr den Dokufilm "Uranium - is it a country?". In diesem Film geht es vor allem um den Uran und Uranabbau - mit gefährlichen Folgen für die in den Abbaugebieten lebenden Menschen. Danach gibt es eine Debatte mit einem Referenten von der BUNDjugend.

Stattfinden wird dieser Themenabend im Raum S14 des Hauses 6 in Griebnitzsee (S-Bhf Griebnitzsee, die Professor Dr. Helmert Straße überqueren, dann im Gebäude right).

more about this and other exciting activities of the GAL group at the University of Potsdam here.

Those who can not come, this film will find . was

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

House Color For Tropical Climate


The last days before the election again properly conducted election campaign - in Charlottenburg, for example, classical with state or in the morning on the way to work with the direct candidate. Because we have, the grand jury involved in the district. There was also, of course, the "3-day-wake" Action and Green Party on Electro Revaler road. We have also supported Armin Feistenauer (Reader GJ Regional Executive) at a panel discussion with the representatives of youth organizations in the House of Cultures of Latin America on 17 September. Since then has won the straw vote while the FDP, but this is not surprising, because the event was also organized by July. ;)

the evening and at night before the election, then they met on the streets almost only green - and we were in Zehlendorf, Charlottenburg, Mitte and Charlottenburg! The other parties expressed their victory probably already safe?

The Green Party choice in the Post am Ostbahnhof was again the only one of the parties represented in parliament, to which one could get without signing and verification. And many did - it was full, but the atmosphere was good.

Dann die Wahlergebnisse - Für CDU und FDP hat es also doch gereicht. Grund war sicherlich die niedrige Wahlbeteiligung, was wiederum auch an der SPD mit ihrem anscheinend nicht glaubwürdigen Wahlprogramm lag, sodass sie ihre Wähler nicht mobiliseren konnte. Kein Wunder - wie soll mit den Architekten von Hartz4 und Rente mit 67 (Steinmeier und Müntefering) ein Neuanfang möglich sein?

Trotz einer geringen Chance zur Regierungsbeteiligung konnten die Grünen ihr Ergebnis wahrlich verbessern: 10,7 Prozent - das ist das beste grüne Wahlergebnis aller Zeiten! Damit sind nun 68 Abgeordnete im Bundestag vertreten. Das ermöglicht eine starke grüne Opposition!

for us too in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (WK81), we again have a strong result: the second best with 22.1 percent (+2.7 percentage points). In some constituencies, the Greens, even the relative majority (eg Amtsgerichtsplatz and wit street life)!
Also the primary vote result in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf could improve the green with Lisa Paus enormous. She made a list of the country in the Bundestag.
And Hans-Christian Ströbele could defend its direct mandate in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg sovereign! 46.8% - almost half chose him!

Despite all the joy, the Greens were are obviously disappointed in the postal station, the black-yellow coalition is not ultimately be able to prevent.

The FDP will now get through their absurd tax cut plans, CDU and FDP privatize the railways and nuclear power plants can run longer. That's politics for lobbyists and corporations!
But the majority of people in the country does not support this policy! Together with the extra-parliamentary opposition, we must fight for alternatives!

Friday, September 18, 2009

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tips for Friday

The event yesterday at the House of Latin American cultures with a panel discussion with the national associations of youth organizations was really well attended and exciting. For the Green Youth said Armin Feistenauer.
A few tips for today:

All who are under 18, can still participate today to 18 clock in the U18 selection. In the city there are several polling stations. For example, in the youth club in the Schlosstraße 19 in Charlottenburg. There is then an election party.

from 21 clock then the Green Party at the Youth Hoppetosse Directions Subway: U1:
Hoppetosse Arena Berlin / hoppetosse.aspx
Straße 4 12435 Berlin U-Bahn station

Silesian Gate + 10min. Walk
map S-Bahn: S8, S85, S9, S42, S41: S-Bahn station Treptow Park + 5min.
Bus: Lines 147, 265, N65: Oak Street / Puschkinallee

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Headset Referee Sport

Junge Union for votes in front of schools

are currently the two major youth organizations will be the process of schools to rattle and eager to distribute pens. In particular, the Junge Union in this area is very active, was already at the Heinz-Green Mountain High School, Walther-Rathenau-Gymnasium, the Grey Abbey.

Especially in this election campaign, where the CDU only an ominous "we" and the demigod Merkel, of the "we" are to be led out of the crisis, sowie auf das von der Halbgöttin unendlich begeisterte und ihr bedingungslos folgende „Team Deutschland“ (ein Propagandaheer der CDU) setzt, ist es wichtig, nachzuhaken, was die CDU wirklich nach der Wahl vorhat.

Interessant ist hier das sogenannte „Guttenbergpapier“, ein Thesenpapier, das im Juli von den Mitarbeitern des Bundeswirtschaftsministers, den Staatssekretären Homann und Otremba, ausgearbeitet wurde: Geplant waren die Abschaffung der bisherigen branchenspezifischen Mindestlöhne, weitere Steuersenkungen für Unternehmen (was bisher noch nie zu mehr Arbeitsplätzen geführt hat), Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes und Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer. Ist das „Wirtschaft with reason, "" For a new relationship "?
Guttenberg distanced himself in August while on paper, but to many observers it is the logical continuation of the policy and policy programs of the Union in recent years. Even more devastating: the Deputy. Chairman of the parliamentary group of the favorite coalition partner FDP, Rainer Brüderle, praised the paper: "The Federal Economics Minister Calls much truth"

If you take this week should make before your school - they why not ask what you should choose CDU!

- Why is the CDU for nuclear power plants, although not even a repository for the nuclear waste there, and nuclear power to the taxpayer is simply expensive?
- Why did the CDU is for tuition fees, although it reduces the number of students, and keeps just high school graduates from poor, and so far bildungsärmen layers of studying?
- Why the CDU is against the increase of unemployment benefit II (Hartz 4) rule set, although the cost of living has risen dramatically in recent years?
- Why did the CDU agreed that the child benefit only until 26 is age (instead of 28) paid?
- Why is the CDU against minimum wages? Why not from his work to live?
- Why the CDU continues to focus on the IPO track, although it is in Argentina, England, and it is currently seen on the Berlin S-Bahn, where that leads?

neoliberal slogans - to argue! For a Green New Deal!