The last days before the election again properly conducted election campaign - in Charlottenburg, for example, classical with state or in the morning on the way to work with the direct candidate. Because we have, the grand jury involved in the district. There was also, of course, the "3-day-wake" Action and Green Party on Electro Revaler road. We have also supported Armin Feistenauer (Reader GJ Regional Executive) at a panel discussion with the representatives of youth organizations in the House of Cultures of Latin America on 17 September. Since then has won the straw vote while the FDP, but this is not surprising, because the event was also organized by July. ;)
the evening and at night before the election, then they met on the streets almost only green - and we were in Zehlendorf, Charlottenburg, Mitte and Charlottenburg! The other parties expressed their victory probably already safe?
The Green Party choice in the Post am Ostbahnhof was again the only one of the parties represented in parliament, to which one could get without signing and verification. And many did - it was full, but the atmosphere was good.
Dann die Wahlergebnisse - Für CDU und FDP hat es also doch gereicht. Grund war sicherlich die niedrige Wahlbeteiligung, was wiederum auch an der SPD mit ihrem anscheinend nicht glaubwürdigen Wahlprogramm lag, sodass sie ihre Wähler nicht mobiliseren konnte. Kein Wunder - wie soll mit den Architekten von Hartz4 und Rente mit 67 (Steinmeier und Müntefering) ein Neuanfang möglich sein?
Trotz einer geringen Chance zur Regierungsbeteiligung konnten die Grünen ihr Ergebnis wahrlich verbessern: 10,7 Prozent - das ist das beste grüne Wahlergebnis aller Zeiten! Damit sind nun 68 Abgeordnete im Bundestag vertreten. Das ermöglicht eine starke grüne Opposition!
for us too in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (WK81), we again have a strong result: the second best with 22.1 percent (+2.7 percentage points). In some constituencies, the Greens, even the relative majority (eg Amtsgerichtsplatz and wit street life)!
Also the primary vote result in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf could improve the green with Lisa Paus enormous. She made a list of the country in the Bundestag.
And Hans-Christian Ströbele could defend its direct mandate in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg sovereign! 46.8% - almost half chose him!
Despite all the joy, the Greens were are obviously disappointed in the postal station, the black-yellow coalition is not ultimately be able to prevent.
The FDP will now get through their absurd tax cut plans, CDU and FDP privatize the railways and nuclear power plants can run longer. That's politics for lobbyists and corporations!
But the majority of people in the country does not support this policy! Together with the extra-parliamentary opposition, we must fight for alternatives!